Stratopa Software Solutions supports organizations in the integration of document management, content management and collaboration systems. We develop easy to implement and high value solutions and professional service offerings for such environments.
Interactz AX is a Microsoft .Net library providing simple connectivity to the Oracle Aconex APIs.
For more information visit the Stratopa Software Solutions website: -
Version 3.1
Version 3.1 provides interfacing to the following Aconex APIs: -
Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8.
Copyright © 2023, Stratopa Software Solutions FZE and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited.
The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing.
Currently there is no dedicated installation program to run to install Interactz AX. Installation is simply done by carrying out the following steps: -
Stratopa Software Solutions will provide you with a unique Customer ID and a Product License File. These are required to use the Interactz AX.
The Product License File includes an encrypted Registration Key holding customer identification, product identification and terms of usage (such as expiration) details. You will only be able to successfully call Interactz AX methods if the registration key is valid. An example of the Product License Files is shown below: -
During initialization Interactz AX will read the product license file and validate the registration key. The placement of the product license file is left up to you. You may, for example, decide to place it in a central location (such as a shared folder) or deploy it as part of your application.
To use Interactz AX simply create a reference to the following dll files file in your .Net application.
Your application must import the following namespaces.
To invoke any of the Interactz AX methods it is first necessary to instantiate and initialize the interface. Instantiate the interface by using the .Net New constructor method.
You must pass in your unique Stratopa assigned customer identifier and a file reference to the Interactz AX license file: -
Initializing the interface is simply supplying the Aconex credentials, i.e. hostname, username and password.
The credentials are used by the interface for all subsequent calls to the Aconex API. The Aconex API cannot be accessed without valid credentials.
To initialize Interactz AX call the Initialize method by passing the Aconex credentials as string arguments as shown below: -
We recommend that after initialization a call is made to the IsUserValid method to determine whether the credentials that will be used to access the Aconex API are valid.
Most calls to the Aconex API require an internal Project Id to be specified. Interactz AX hides the complexity of knowing internal Project Ids for Aconex Projects. All that is required is the Project’s Name (as displayed in the Aconex user interface).
Prior to invoking any project dependent Interactz AX method it is necessary to set the Aconex Project that you intend to work with. This can be done through the interface’s SetProject method.
There are reasonable limits which apply to both the volume and frequency of requests to the Aconex API. When interfacing to the Aconex API it is important to ensure that the limits are not exceeded, otherwise the Aconex API will return error messages.
Interactz AX provides an approach for automatically controlling the frequency of calls to the Aconex API, thereby avoiding or reducing the probability of receiving error messages. This approach involves setting two properties as described below.
The UseRequestFrequencyLimit property is used to set the request frequency method on or off. By default, this property is set to True during interface initialization.
The RequestFrequencyLimit property is used to set the minimum time (in milliseconds) between calls to the Aconex API. By default, this property is set to 250 milliseconds during interface initialization.
Interactz AX provides a simple approach for searching the Aconex document register for required documents. You can search for a single document or use search criteria to search and return a collection of documents.
To search for a single document, use the interface’s GetDocument method.
To search for the latest revision of a specific document simply pass the document number to the method as shown below: -
If you need to search for a specific revision of the document, whether current or superseded, then pass both the document number and revision to the method as shown below: -
To search for documents using search criteria use the interface’s GetDocuments method. Before calling this method you must first initialize and add the required search criteria. This ensures that criteria from any previous searches are cleared.
The available search criteria fields have been enumerated for ease of use. Use the AddSearchField method to specify your search criteria, passing in the enumerated field name and search value.
You can call the AddSearchField method as many times as you like to build up your search criteria. The following example shows how to search for all documents with a discipline of Mechanical and a document type of Detail Drawing.
If the same search field is added multiple times, then, by default, the values are applied by using an OR operator. The AddSearchField method can also be called setting the operator to AND as shown in the example below.
By default, the GetDocuments method will return the latest revisions of a document only. If you wish to return all revisions of a document, then you must set the ShowDocumentHistory property on the search criteria to True.
The interface allows search criteria values to be specified using wildcards. The interface supports the same wildcards as supported by Aconex. For more information, please see Aconex Support Central.
If you wish to return a count of documents only then use the interface’s GetDocumentCount method. This works in the same way as the GetDocuments method in that it uses specified search criteria to determine the result.
The GetDocument and GetDocuments methods return either a Document Class object or a collection of Document Class objects.
After initializing the document search criteria, it is possible to set the SearchType property determine how results are returned. The SearchType property has the following enumerations that can be used during search:
Search Type | Description |
NUMBER_LIMITED | Limits the number of documents returned by a specified value. This is the default search type. |
PAGED | Returns a specific page of documents for a larger set of documents. |
FULL | Returns all documents for the specified search criteria. |
By default, the GetDocument and GetDocuments methods limit the number of documents returned to 250. However, it is possible to increase this limit to a maximum of 500 documents.
To do this you must set the search criteria’s SearchType property to NUMBER_LIMITED and the ResultsSize property to the number of results you wish returned. If you specify a value greater than 500 then the ResultsSize property will be set to 500.
The ResultsSize property has a maximum value of 500 and must be divisible by 25.
When using the GetDocument and GetDocuments methods it is possible to return a specific page of documents from a large result set.
To do this you must set the search criteria’s SearchType property to PAGED, the PageSize property to the number of documents per page, and the PageNumber property of the page of documents you want returned.
The ResultsSize property is ignored when the SearchType property is PAGED.
The PageSize property has a maximum value of 500 and must be divisible by 25.
As previously described, there are limits to the number of documents that can be returned using the GetDocument and GetDocuments methods. The Aconex API previously supported a full or unlimited results search; however this support has been depreciated.
However, Interactz AX continues to provide full document results for the specified search criteria by internally combining results of incremental paged calls to the GetDocuments method. To do this, simply set the SearchType property to FULL.
As Interactz AX must incrementally call the GetDocuments method, it uses the RequestFrequencyLimit property to limit the frequency between calls (see Performance Throttling section) and thus whilst all document results can be returned, it can take some time for very large data sets.
Each Document Class object that is returned fromthe GetDocument and GetDocuments methods is initialized to include all relevant Aconex properties in its Properties collection, however, the properties that will have values set is determined by the search criteria’s Return Fields.
By default, only the DocumentNumber, Revision, Title, RevisionStatus and Filename properties are returned. This improves search performance. However, it is possible to return all available property values, or specified property values.
To return all available property values call the search criteria’s AddAllReturnValues method, as shown in the eample below.
To specify the additional property values that you want returned call the search criteria’s AddReturnValue method, as shown below.
Interactz AX provides a simple approach for registering documents to the Aconex document register using the RegisterDocument method.
To register a document in Aconex you must perform the following: -
Note: The RegisterDocument method will validate the property values set for the document against the Aconex document schema for the selected project and raise an exception if any of the supplied metadata is invalid.
Interactz AX provides a simple approach for downloading documents from the Aconex document register using the DownloadDocument method.
To download a document from Aconex you must perform the following: -
Note: The filename to which the document is downloaded does not have to be the same as the filename stored in Aconex.
To download multiple documents simply use the GetDocuments method to search for the required documents then call the DownloadDocuments method for each returned document, as shown in the example below.
Interactz AX provides a simple approach for superseding documents in the Aconex document register using the SupersedeDocument method.
To supersede a document in Aconex you must perform the following: -
Interactz AX provides a simple approach for searching the Aconex mail register. You can search for all mail in a specified mailbox or use search criteria to search and return a collection of mail items.
To search for all mail, use the GetMail method. Before calling this method, you must first initialize the search criteria.
The default mailbox used for searching is the Inbox. If you want to search the Sent or Drafts mailboxes then you must specify this on the search criteria.
To search for mail by its number use the GetMailByNumber method. This method returns all properties for the mail item, including collections of mail attachments (files, documents, and mail).
To search for mail by its internal Id use the GetMailByID method. This method returns all properties for the mail item, including collections of mail attachments (files, documents, and mail).
To search for mail using search criteria use the GetMail method. Before calling this method, you must first initialize and add the required search criteria. This ensures that criteria from any previous searches are cleared.
The available search criteria fields have been enumerated for ease of use. Use the AddSearchField method to specify your search criteria, passing in the enumerated field name and search value.
You can call the AddSearchField method as many times as you like to build up your search criteria. The following example shows how to search for all mail with a recipient of Joe Bloggs and a type of Transmittal.
If the same search field is added multiple times, then, by default, the values are applied by using an OR operator. The AddSearchField method can also be called setting the operator to AND as shown in the example below.
The interface allows search criteria values to be specified using wildcards. The interface supports the same wildcards as supported by Aconex. For more information, please see Aconex Support Central.
If you wish to return a count of mail items only, then use the GetMailCount method. This works in the same way as the GetMail method in that it uses specified search criteria to determine the result.
The GetMail, GetMailByNumber and GetMailById methods return either a Mail Class object or a collection of Mail Class objects.
After initializing the mail search criteria, it is possible to set the SearchType property determine how results are returned. The SearchType property has the following enumerations that can be used during search:
Search Type | Description |
NUMBER_LIMITED | Limits the number of mail items returned by a specified value. This is the default search type. |
PAGED | Returns a specific page of mail for a larger set of documents. |
FULL | Returns all mail for the specified search criteria. |
By default, the GetMail method limit the number of mail items returned to 250. However, it is possible to increase this limit to a maximum of 500 mail items.
To do this you must set the search criteria’s SearchType property to NUMBER_LIMITED and the ResultsSize property to the number of results you wish returned. If you specify a value greater than 500 then the ResultsSize property will be set to 500.
When using the GetMail method it is possible to return a specific page of mail items from a large result set.
To do this you must set the search criteria’s SearchType property to PAGED, the PageSize property to the number of mail items per page, and the PageNumber property of the page of mail items you want returned.
The ResultsSize property is ignored when the SearchType property is PAGED.
The PageSize property has a maximum value of 500 and must be divisible by 25.
As previously described, there are limits to the number of mail items that can be returned using the GetMail method. The Aconex API previously supported a full or unlimited results search however this support has been depreciated.
However, Interactz AX continues to provide full mail item results for the specified search criteria by internally combining results of incremental paged calls to the GetMail method. To do this, simply set the SearchType property to FULL.
As Interactz AX must incrementally call the GetMail method, it uses the RequestFrequencyLimit property to limit the frequency between calls (see Performance Throttling section) and thus whilst all document results can be returned, it can take some time for very large data sets.
Each Stratopa Mail Class object that is returned from the GetMail, GetMailByNumber or GetMailById methods is initialized to include all relevant Aconex properties in its Properties collection, however, the properties that will have values set is determined by the search criteria’s Return Fields.
By default, only the Mail Number, Sent Date, Subject, From User and Recipients, properties are returned. This improves search performance. However, it is possible to return all available property values, or specified property values.
To specify the property values that you want returned call the search criteria’s AddReturnField method, as shown below.
Interactz AX provides a simple approach for downloading mail attachments from the Aconex mail register using the DownloadMailAttachments method.
To download a mail attachments from Aconex you must perform the following: -
Note: The DownloadMailAttachments method downloads all file attachments, using the same filename as registered in Aconex.
The DownloadMailAttachments method includes two boolean parameters for determining the handling of attached markup files and document attachments, as shown in the method signature below: -
If the MarkedUp parameter is set to [valTrue the DownloadMailAttachments method will download the marked-up version of the attached file(s) in a PDF format.
If the IncludeAttachedDocumentFile parameter is set to True the DownloadMailAttachments method will also download files for any attached document.
In Aconex, mail threads are created whenever someone responds to, or forwards, a mail. The action is added into the 'mail thread'. This helps you keep track of the mail's progress. Thus, a mail thread consists of multiple mail items. A mail item is therefore associated with a mail thread.
Interactz AX provides a simple approach for retrieving mail thread information.
A mail thread can be retrieved using the GetMailThread method. There are two overloads to this method. It can be called with either a mail item number or a Mail item.
Interactz AX provides a simple approach for creating mail items in Aconex using the CreateMail or RegisterMail method.
These methods are functionally the same except that the RegisterMail method creates a new mail item on behalf of another user, in the specified project.
To create or register a mail in Aconex you must perform the following: -
Note: Unlike the document register, the properties for the Mail Register have not been enumerated. This is because the Mail Register properties are configurable by both Project and Mail Type. However, the InitializeNewMail method will instantiate a Mail class object which will include a collection of ItemProperty objects that are valid for the specified project and mail type.
Note: The CreateMail method will validate the property values set for the mail item against the Aconex mail schema for the selected project and raise an exception if any of the supplied metadata is invalid.
When creating or registering mail it is necessary to specify a mail type. It is the mail type that determines what properties are available for the mail.
Interactz AX provides a simple approach for listing available mail types for a project in Aconex mail items in Aconex using the GetMailTypes method.
This method returns a List of PropertyValue objects (essentially items with an [propID and Value property).
You may, for example, wish to populate a combo box on a form with a list of mail types.
Interactz AX provides a simple approach for managing packages. You can search for package types and packages, add and remove documents, mail and collaborators to and from packages.
Note: Aconex's Package Management module adopts an Eventual Consistency model, with which changes in the system might not be immediately available, but could have a delay(eventually) before they can be observed. Generally, the delay would be minor(seconds). However, it could be more obvious when the system is under pressure.
To search for a single package type, use the interface’s GetPackageTypeByName, GetPackageTypeByCode or GetPackageTypeByID methods. These methods return a PackageType object which includes a collection of ProjectFields. This means that a separate call to Aconex is not required to fetch the project fields that have been defined for a package type. You should first call the SetProject method to set the Aconex Project for which you are to search for package types.
To search for all package types for a project, use the interface’s GetPackages method.
To search for a single package, use the interface’s GetPackageByName or GetPackageByID methods. You should first call the SetProject method to set the Aconex Project for which you are to search for packages.
To search for all packages, use the interface’s GetAllPackages method. You should first call the SetProject method to set the Aconex Project for which you are to search for packages.
You can also search for packages by state (i.e. OPEN, CLOSED or DEACTIVATED) you can use the GetOpenPackages, GetClosedPackages or GetDeactivatedPackages methods.
To search for packages using search criteria use the interface’s GetPackages method. Before calling this method you must first initialize and add the required search criteria. This ensures that criteria from any previous searches are cleared.
The available search criteria fields are Name, Title, Revision, Transmitted, State, Package Type ID, Updates Available Status as well as any Project Field that has been inherited from a package's Package Type. You can add Project Field cirtieria by calling the SetPropjectFieldSearchCriteria method.
You can call the SetPropjectFieldSearchCriteria method as many times as you like to build up your search criteria. The following example shows how to search for all packages with a package name beginning with PKG and having a comment containing the text Mechanical.
When using the GetPackages method it is possible to return a specific page of packages from a large result set.
To do this you must set the search criteria’s SearchType property to PAGED and the PageNumber property of the page of tasks you want returned.
Note: The GetPackages method sets a maximum page size of 100. Setting the PageSize property to a value greater than 100 will still only result in a maximum of 100 results per page when searching for packages.
To create a new package use both the InitiazlizeNewPackage and CreatePackage methods.
The InitiazlizeNewPackage method initializes as new Package object from a PackageType object, setiing the packages project fields from the project type. Values for the package's project fields can then be set using the Package object's SetProjectFieldValue method. When calling the SetProjectFieldValue method you can pass either the ID, Label a Fully Qualified Name value as the identifier.
To return collaborators for a package use the GetPackageCollaborators method. With this method you can return ALL, ADMINISTRATOR or EDITOR collaborators by setting the required enumPackageCollaboratorRoleSearch enumerator.
You can add a collaborator to a package using the AddPackageCollaborator method.
You can update a package collaborators type (i.e. Administrator or Editor) using the UpdatePackageCollaborator method. Note that a Package must have at least one administrator.
You can remove a package collaborator using the RemovePackageCollaborator method. Note that a Package must have at least one administrator.
To add documents to a package use the AddPackageDocuments method. This method accepts either a Document collection OR a HashSet of document IDs as for each document that is to be added to the package. This method is cumulative in nature, meaning that you can progressively call the method as many times as required to add the required documents to a package.
To remove documents from a package user the RemovePackageDocuments method. This method accepts a HashSet of document IDs as for each document that is to be removed from the package. This method is cumulative in nature, meaning that you can progressively call the method as many times as required to remove the required documents to a package.
To get the documents attached to a package use the InitializePackageDocumentIDs method. This method will populate the DocumentIDs property of the Package object.
To add mail to a package use the AddPackageMail or AddPackageMails methods.
To add a single mail to a package then use the AddPackageMail method, passing either a Mail ID or a Mail object.
To add multiple mails to a package then use the AddPackageMails method, passing either a HastSet Mail IDs or a collection Mail objects.
To remove mail from a package use the RemovePackageMail or RemovePackageMails methods.
To remove a single mail from a package then use the RemovePackageMail method, passing either a Mail ID or a Mail object.
To remove multiple mails from a package then use the RemovePackageMails method, passing either a HastSet Mail IDs or a collection Mail objects.
To get package mail use the GetPackageMail method.
To get file attachments for a package use the GetPackageAttachments method.
To download package file attachements use the DownloadPackageAttachments method.
To get a log of events for a package use the GetPackageEventLog method. This method can be called withor without a date range. If a date range is not specified the complete ebent log for the Package will be returned.
To get the distribution list for a package use the GetPackageDistributionList method. This method can return either a collection of User objects OR a HashSet of User IDs.
To search for a single project field, use the interface’s GetProjectFieldByID or GetProjectFieldByLabel methods.
To get all project fields use the GetProjectFields method.
To disable a project field use the DisableProjectField method. This method can be called by passing a ProjectField object or a Project Field ID.
To enable a project field use the EnableProjectField method. This method can be called by passing a ProjectField object or a Project Field ID.
To create a project fields use the CreateProjectField method. This method accepts a ProjectField object with correctly initialized Label, Type and HintText properties, along with a valid ProjectFieldSpecification object.
After a ProjectField object is initialized, call its Validate method to ensure that its properties amd specification have been initialized correctly for the Type of project field being created.
If the project field is of type Single Select or Multi-Select then valid values can be added to the ProjectFieldSpecification using its AddOption method.
To update a project field's properties and/or specification use the UpdateProjectField method.
Interactz AX provides a simple approach for searching for outstanding tasks for a specified project and task type using the GetTasks method.
To search for tasks for a project, use the GetTasks method. Before calling this method, you must first initialize the search criteria and set the SearchType property to FULL.
When calling the GetTasks method you must specify which task type you are searching. The available task types have been enumerated for ease of use. The following lists the task types available: -
When using the GetTasks method it is possible to return a specific page of tasks from a large result set.
To do this you must set the search criteria’s SearchType property to PAGED and the PageNumber property of the page of tasks you want returned.
Note: The GetTasks method sets a fixed page size of 25. Setting the PageSize property has no effect when searching for tasks.
If you wish to return a count of tasks for a specified project, then use the GetTaskCounts method. This method returns a total count of tasks along with counts by task feature (i.e., documents, mail, transmittals) and task type.
Similarly, if you wish to return a count of tasks for ALL projects, then use the GetTaskCountsAllProjects method.
Interactz AX provides a simple approach for searching for project workflows. You can search for all workflows for a project, search for workflows created before or after a specified date or use predefined searches.
To search for all workflows for a project, use the GetWorkflows method. Before calling this method, you must first initialize the search criteria and set the SearchType property to FULL.
When using the GetWorkflows method it is possible to return a specific page of workflow items from a large result set.
To do this you must set the search criteria’s SearchType property to PAGED, the PageSize property to the number of workflow items per page, and the PageNumber property of the page of workflow items you want returned.
The PageSize property has a maximum value of 500 and must be divisible by 25.
To search for workflow using search criteria use the GetWorkflows method. Before calling this method, you must first initialize and add the required search criteria. This ensures that criteria from any previous searches are cleared.
The available search criteria fields have been enumerated for ease of use. Use the AddSearchField method to specify your search criteria, passing in the enumerated field name and search value.
There are currently only two search fields available when searching for workflow items and these are updated_before and updated_after.
The updated_before search field allows a date time to be set, specifying the earliest modification to be included in the returned results. That is, only workflows that have changed at or prior to this time will be included in the results.
The updated_after search field allows a date time to be set, specifying the latest modification to be included in the returned results. That is, only workflows that have changed at or after this time will be included in the response.
The following methods can be used to search for workflows using preconfigured Aconex searches.
They can be used to return full or paged results, and use the updated_before and updated_after search criteria as previously described.
You can get available roles by using the GetRoles, GetOrganizationRoles or GetProjectRoles methods.
You can get a specific role by using the GetRoleByID, GetOrganizationRoleByID, GetProjectRoleByID, GetRoleByName, GetOrganizationRoleByName or GetProjectRoleByName methods.
The functionallity that a role has been granted or denied access to is stored in a collection of SecuredAsset objects. The Role object, returned when getting roles from Aconex, has a SecuredAssets property which is initially not populated, To initialize the SecuredAssets property use the InitializeSecuredAssetsForRole method.
To get users that are assigned to roles use the GetRoleUsers, GetOrganizationRoleUsers or GetProjectRoleUsers methods. You can call these methods by passing either a Role object or a Role Name.
To get roles to which a user has been assigned use the GetUserRoles, GetUserOrganizationRoles or GetUserProjectRoles methods.
To create a new role use either the CreateOrganizationRole or CreateProjectRole method.
When a new role is created, its SecuredAssets property will be initialized to the defaults set by Aconex. You can modify the secured assets to define the functional requirements for the the role. To grant or deny a role access to secured asset use the SetSecuredAsset method on the Role object, and then call the interface's UpdateRoleSecuredAssets method. The available secured assests have been enumerated.
To assign a user to a role or multiple roles use the AssignUserToRole methods. Pass either a single Role object or a collecion of Role objects to this method.
Similarly, to unassign a user from a role or multiple roles use the UnassignUserFromRole methods. Pass either a single Role object or a collecion of Role objects to this method.
This method returns an Organization object represneting the organization of the active user (i.e. the user currently logged into Aconex).
This method returns a User object represneting the active user (i.e. the user currently logged into Aconex).
This method queries and returns a User object for the specified user unique identifier.
This method queries and returns a User object for the specified user name.
This method uses the Directory Search Criteria to query and return a collection of users from Aconex. The Directory Search Criteria should be initialized and set prior to calling this method.
Initializes the Directory Search Criteria in preparation for calls to the [key]GetUsers[/key] method.
This method downloads a document file from Aconex to the specified filename and directory. Requires a valid Aconex document identifier, therefore the document should first be fetched using either the [key]GetDocument[/key] or [key]GetDocuments[/key] methods. Updates the file reference on the input Document object.
This method allows a document file to be downloaded from Aconex into a memory stream only, i.e., does not have to be saved to disk. Requires a valid Aconex Document Identifier, therefore the document should first be fetched using either the [key]GetDocument[/key] or [key]GetDocuments[/key] methods. Updates the file reference on the input Document object.
This method queries and returns a single document from Aconex. If a revision is not specified, then the current revision of the document is returned. If the specified document is not found, then the method returns nothing. Note that only document metadata is returned.
This method queries and returns a single document from Aconex using a document unique identifier. If the specified document is not found, then the method returns nothing. Note that only document metadata is returned.
This method uses the Document Search Criteria to query and return a count of documents in Aconex. The Document Search Criteria should be initialized and set prior to calling this method.
This method returns the complete event log for a specified document.
This method uses the Document Search Criteria to query and return a collection of documents from Aconex. Note that only document metadata is returned. The Document Search Criteria should be initialized and set prior to calling this method. Only document metadata corresponding to the Return Fields specified on the Search Criteria is returned.
This method returns the document schema in XML format for the current project. The schema describes the fields available for executing a document search operation and describes the fields required to be able to register a new document onto a project.
This method queries and returns a collection of documents that have been updated since the specified date.
This method initializes the Search Criteria for Document searches. Clears search criteria and sets the following properties to default values.
This method instantiates and initializes a new instance of the Document Class. The Aconex document schema for the current project is queried to determine what properties are to be added to the document’s Properties collection. Only the document’s [prop]DocumentNumber[/prop] and [prop]Revision[/prop] properties are set.
This method returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified document revision is current. Returns false if the document revision is superseded or cannot be found.
This method registers a document in Aconex.
This method supersedes a document revision in Aconex.
This method uploads a file to the temporary file store against an Aconex project.
This method creates a new mail item in Aconex.
This method downloads all file attachments for a mail item from Aconex to the specified directory. Requires a valid Mail object, therefore the mail item should first be fetched using either the [key]GetMailByID[/key] or [key]GetMailByNumber[/key] methods.
Marked up attachments are returned in PDF format. Attachments without markup are retrieved in their original format.
This method will also download file from document attachments to the email.
This method uses the Mail Search Criteria to query and return a collection of mail items from Aconex. Note that only mail metadata is returned. The Mail Search Criteria should be initialized and set prior to calling this method. Only mail metadata corresponding to the Return Fields specified on the Search Criteria is returned.
This method queries and returns a single mail item from Aconex. If the specified mail item is not found, then the method returns nothing. Note that only mail metadata is returned.
This method queries and returns a single mail item from Aconex. If the specified mail item is not found, then the method returns nothing. Note that only mail metadata is returned.
This method uses the Mail Search Criteria to query and return a count of mail items in Aconex. The Mail Search Criteria should be initialized and set prior to calling this method.
This method returns the mail schema used to create new mail in the specified project. It provides information about fields used to create a new mail.
This method returns the mail [b]forms fields[/b] schema for the specified project's mail type.
This method returns the mail [b]forward[/b] schema for the specified project's mail type.
This method queries and returns a collection of mail items that have been updated since the specified date.
This method returns the mail [b]reply[/b] schema for the specified project's mail type.
This method returns the mail [b]restricted field[/b] schema for the specified project's mail type.
This method returns the mail search schema for the specified project's mail. It provides information about performing a mail search.
This method queries and returns a mail thread from Aconex.
This method queries and returns a mail thread for a specified mail item from Aconex.
This method queries and returns a mail thread for a specified mail item from Aconex.
This method returns a list of PropertyValue objects (i.e., Identifier / Value) which represent the Mail Type [prop]ID[/prop] and [prop]Name[/prop] for all mail types used by the current project.
This method initializes the Search Criteria for mail searches. Clears search criteria and sets the following properties to default values.
This method is used to create or register mail in Aconex.
This method registers a new mail item on behalf of another user.
This method is used to add a user as a collaborator, either an administrator or editor, for the package. The active user must be a package administrator.
This method is used to add a set of documents to a package.
[b]Note:[/b] Whilst the Aconex API expects the complete set of documents to be included, the Interactz AX interface enables any number of documents to added at a time.
This method can therefore be called as many times as required to add a complete set of documents to the package. However, when the number of documents already attached to the package is large, each subsequent call to this method will have a peformance penalty. Therefore it is recommened not to add small document sets to a package with a large number of documents.
This method is used to add a mail item to a specified package.
This method is used to add a set of mail items to a specified package.
This method creates a package in Aconex.
This method downloads all file attachments for a package from Aconex to the specified directory. Requires a valid [b]Package[/b] object or package ID.
This method queries and returns a collection of ALL Package objects.
This method queries and returns a collection of Closed Package objects.
This method queries and returns a collection of deactivated Package objects.
This method queries and returns a collection of Open Package objects.
This method gets all file attachments for a package from Aconex to the specified directory. Requires a valid [b]Package[/b] object or package ID.
This method queries and returns a Package object for the specified unique identifier.
This method queries and returns a Package object for the specified package name.
This method is used to return a collection of Collaborator objects for specified package.
This method is used to return a collection of User objects representing the distribution list for the specified package.
This method is used to return a set of User Ids representing the distribution list for the specified package.
This method is used to return an EventLog object attached to a specified package.
This method is used to return a collection of Mail objects attached to a specified package.
This method uses the Package Management Search Criteria to query and return a collection of packages from Aconex. The Package Management Search Criteria should be initialized and set prior to calling this method.
This method queries and returns a Package Type object for the specified package code.
This method queries and returns a Package Type object for the specified unique identifier.
This method queries and returns a Package Type object for the specified package name.
This method queries and returns the Package Type for a specified package.
This method queries and returns all Package Types for the active project.
This method is used to return a specific package version.
This method is used to return all versions of package.
This method initializes a [Package][/b] object in preparation for creating a new package.
This method queries and updates a Package object's list of attached documents.
This method initializes the Search Criteria for package management searches. Clears search criteria and sets the following properties to default values.
This method is used to remove a specified collaborator from a package. The active user must be a package administrator.
This method is used to remove a set of documents from a package.
This method is used to remove a specific mail from the package.
This method is used to remove a specific set of mail items from the package.
This method is used to update a specific collaborator's type (i.e. administrator or editor). The active user must be a package administrator. A package [b]must[/b] have at least one administrator.
This method is used to create new Project Field that can subsequently be assigned to a Package Type or Mail Type.
This method is used to disable a Project Field.
This method is used to enable a Project Field.
This method queries and returns a Project Field object for the specified user unique identifier.
This method queries and returns a Project Field object for the specified label.
This method queries and returns a Project Field object for the specified name.
This method queries and returns a Project Fields for the active project.
This method is used to update a Project Field.
This method returns a sorted list of Aconex projects for which the user has access to. The returned sorted list has a key of Project Name and a value of Project Id.
Sets the active Aconex Project.
This method returns task counts for the set project. Counts include totals for individual features (Mail, Register, Supplier Documents) and totals for different task types within features.
This method returns task counts for ALL projects. Counts include totals for individual features (Mail, Register, Supplier Documents) and totals for different task types within features.
This method uses the Task Search Criteria to query and return a collection of tasks from Aconex. The Task Search Criteria should be initialized and set prior to calling this method.
This method initializes the Search Criteria for task searches. Clears search criteria and sets the following properties to default values.
This method is used to assign a user to a role.
This method is used to create an organization role in the active user's organization.
This method is used to create an project role in the active project.
This method is used to delete a project.
This method queries and returns an organization Role object for the specified unique identifier.
This method queries and returns an organization Role object for the specified name.
This method queries and returns a collection of Role objects for the active user's organization.
This method queries and returns a collection of User objects for the specified organization role.
This method queries and returns a project Role object for the specified unique identifier.
This method queries and returns a project Role object for the specified name.
This method queries and returns a collection of Role objects for the active project.
This method queries and returns a collection of User objects for the specified project role.
This method queries and returns a Role object for the specified unique identifier.
This method queries and returns a Role object for the specified name.
This method queries and returns a collection of Role objects for the active user's organization and active project.
This method queries and returns a collection of User objects for the specified role.
This method queries and returns a collection of organization Role objects for which the active user is assigned.
This method queries and returns a collection of project Role objects for which the active user is assigned.
This method queries and returns a collection of Role objects for which the active user is assigned.
This method is used to initialize a collection of [b]SecuredAsset[/b] objects for a specified role. Secured assets are essentially a list of functioanlity items for which access can be granted or denied to the role.
This method is used to unassign a user from a role.
This method is used to update role's properties.
This method is used to update the role's access to secured assets. Secured assets are essentially a list of functioanlity items for which access can be granted or denied to the role.
This method uses the Workflow Search Criteria to query and return a collection of workflows from Aconex. The Workflow Search Criteria should be initialized and set prior to calling this method. The search criteria allow you to provide a date time specifying the earliest or latest modification to be included in the returned results. That is, only workflows that have changed at or prior/after to this time will be included in the response.
This method also allows you to return a collection of workflows with a specified workflow step status.
This method uses the Workflow Search Criteria to query and return a collection of workflows that are assigned to the user’s organization from Aconex. The Workflow Search Criteria should be initialized and set prior to calling this method. The search criteria allow you to provide a date time specifying the earliest or latest modification to be included in the returned results. That is, only workflows that have changed at or prior/after to this time will be included in the response.
This method also allows you to return a collection of workflows with a specified workflow step status.
This method uses the Workflow Search Criteria to query and return a collection of workflows were initiated by the user’s organization from Aconex. The Workflow Search Criteria should be initialized and set prior to calling this method. The search criteria allow you to provide a date time specifying the earliest or latest modification to be included in the returned results. That is, only workflows that have changed at or prior/after to this time will be included in the response.
This method also allows you to return a collection of workflows with a specified workflow step status.
This method uses the Workflow Search Criteria to query and return a collection of workflows that are NOT assigned to the user’s organization from Aconex. The Workflow Search Criteria should be initialized and set prior to calling this method. The search criteria allow you to provide a date time specifying the earliest or latest modification to be included in the returned results. That is, only workflows that have changed at or prior/after to this time will be included in the response.
This method also allows you to return a collection of workflows with a specified workflow step status.
This method uses the Workflow Search Criteria to query and return a collection of workflows that were NOT initiated by the user’s organization from Aconex. The Workflow Search Criteria should be initialized and set prior to calling this method. The search criteria allow you to provide a date time specifying the earliest or latest modification to be included in the returned results. That is, only workflows that have changed at or prior/after to this time will be included in the response.
This method also allows you to return a collection of workflows with a specified workflow step status.
This method initializes the Search Criteria for workflow searches. Clears search criteria and sets the following properties to default values.